Евтодиенко Юрий Владимирович

(Evtodienko Y.V.)

Библиометрический анализ:

Библиометрический анализ по Базе данных Web of Science
Цитирование:  711
Индекс Хирша:  16
Самые цитируемые работы:



Evtodienko, YV; Teplova, VV; Sidash, SS; Ichas, F; Mazat, JP. Microtubule-active drugs suppress the closure of the permeability transition pore is tumour mitochondria//Febs Letters. 1996. 393. № 1. C. 86-88


Kholmukhamedov,  EL;  Zinchenko,  VP;  Evtodienko,  YV . Self-oscillations of ion fluxes and redox state of the respiratory-chain of mitochondria//Biofizika. 1980. 25. № 1. C. 124-128


Evtodienko,  YV;  Teplova,  V;  Khawaja,  J;  Saris,  NEL   . The Ca2+-induced permeability transition pore is involved in Ca2+-induced mitochondrial oscillations - a study on permeabilized ehrlich ascites tumor-cells//Cell Calcium. 1994. 15. № 2. C. 143-152


Selivanov, VA; Ichas, F; Holmuhamedov, EL; Jouaville, LS; Evtodienko, YV; Mazat, JP. A model of mitochondrial Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release simulating the Ca2+ oscillations and spikes generated by mitochondria//Biophysical Chemistry. 1998. 72. № 1--2. C. 111-121


Azarashvili, T; Grachev, D; Krestinina, O; Evtodienko, Y; Yurkov, I; Papadopoulos, V; Reiser, G. The peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor is involved in control of Ca2+-induced permeability transition pore opening in rat brain mitochondria//Cell Calcium. 2007. 42. № 1. C. 27-39


Bogucka,  K;  Teplova,  VV;  Wojtczaka,  L;  Evtodienko,  YV   . Inhibition by Ca2+ of the hydrolysis and the synthesis of atp in ehrlich ascites tumor mitochondria - relation to the crabtree effect//Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics. 1995. 1228. № 2--3. C. 261-266


Gukovskaya,  AS;  Pulido,  HA;  Zinchenko,  VP;  Evtodienko,  YV   . Inhibitors of arachidonic-acid metabolism eliminate the increase in cytosolic free calcium induced by the mitogen concanavalin-a in rat thymocytes//Febs Letters. 1989. 244. № 2. C. 461-464


Wojtczak, L; Teplova, VV; Bogucka, K; Czyz, A; Makowska, A; Wieckowski, MR; Duszynski, J; Evtodienko, YV. Effect of glucose and deoxyglucose on the redistribution of calcium in Ehrlich ascites tumour and Zajdela hepatoma cells and its consequences for mitochondrial energetics - Further arguments for the role of Ca2+ in the mechanism of the Crabtree effect//European Journal of Biochemistry. 1999. 263. № 2. C. 495-501


Wiswedel,  I;  Barnstorf,  U;  Augustin,  W;  Holmuhamedov,  E;  Medvedev,  B,  Evtodienko,  Y. Involvement of periodic deacylation-acylation cycles of mitochondrial phospholipids during Sr-2+-induced oscillatory ion-transport in rat-liver mitochondria//Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1982. 688. № 2. C. 597-604


Odinokova, IV; Sung, KF; Mareninova, OA; Hermann, K; Evtodienko, Y; Andreyev, A; Gukovsky, I; Gukovskaya, AS.  Mechanisms regulating cytochrome c release in pancreatic mitochondria//Gut. 2009. 58. № 3. C. 431-442



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