Ставровская Ирина Геннадьевна
Кондрашова М.Н., Гогвадзе В.Г., Саакян И.Р., Сирота Т.В., Ставровская И.Г., Темнов А.В., Федотчева Н.И. Изучение биофизического механизма регуляторного действия легких отрицательных аэроионов на митохондрии, нейтрофилы, клеточные мембраны и целостный организм крысы//Информационный бюллетень РФФИ. 1996. №4. C.340
Kosenko E.A., Kaminsky Yu.G., Stavrovskaya I.G., Sirota T.V., Kondrashova M.N. The stimulatory effect of negative air ions and hydrogen peroxide on the activity of superoxide dismutase//FEBS Letters. 1997. 410. № 2-3. C. 309-312
Temnov A.V., Sirota T.V., Stavrovskaya I.G., Foigel A.G., Kondrashova M.N. Effect of superoxide in air on structural organization and phosphorylating respiration of mitochondria//Biochemistry (Moscow). 1997. 62. №10. C. 1089-1095
Saakyan I.R., Gogvadze V.G., Sirota T.V., Stavrovskaya I.G., Kondrashova M.N.. Physiological activation of peroxidation by negative air ions//Биофизика. 1998. 43. №4. C. 586-587
Stavrovskaya I.G., Sirota T.V., Saakyan I.R., Kondrashova M.N.. Optimisation of energy dependent processes in liver and brain mitochondria of rats after inhalation of negative air ions//Биофизика. 1998. 43. №5. C.771
Темнов А.В., Сирота Т.В., Ставровская И.Г., Кондрашова М.Н. . Самоорганизация ассоциатов митохондрий и влияние отрицательных аэроионов //Биофизика . 2000. 45. №1. C.83-88
Kondrashova M.N., Grigorenko E.V., Tikhonov A.N., Sirota T.V., Temnov A.V., Stavrovskaja I.G., Kosyakova N.I., Lange N.V., Tikhonov V.P. The primary physico-chemical mechanism for the beneficial biological/medical effects of negative air ions//IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2000. 28. №1. C. 230-237
Litvinova E.G., Kazakof R.E., Stavrovskaja I.G., Sirota T.V., Temnov A.V., Kondrashova M.N. Inhalation of reactive oxygen species with air stimulates their generaton in heart mitochondria//Free radical biology and medicine. 2002. 33. Suppl. 1. C.S38-S39
Zhu S., Stavrovskaya I.G., Drozda M., Kim B.Y.S., Ona V., Li M., Sarang S., Liu A.S., Hartley D.M., Wu D.C., Guilans S., Ferrante R.J., Przedborski S., Kristal B.S., Friedlander R.M.. Minocycline inhibits cytochrome c release and delays progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in mice//Nature. 2002. 417. №6884. C. 74-78
Stavrovskaya I.G., Krasnikov B.E., Kristal B.S. Impairment of ketoglutarate dehydrogenase reduces resistance to permeability transition-like events in forebrain and liver mitochondria//Free radical biology and medicine. 2002. 33. №2. C.S405-S405
Litvinova E., Kazakof R., Stavrovskaja I., Sirota T., Temnov A., Tikhonov V., Kondrashova M. Inhalation of ROS stimulates their generation in mitochondria //Proceedings of the 11-th Biennal Meeting of the Society for Free radical research International. - Paris France, 2002, C716C0299
Wang X., Zhu S., Drozda M., Zhang W., Stavrovskaya I.G., Cattaneo E., Ferrante R.J., Kristal B.S., Friedlander R.M. Minocycline inhibits caspase-independent and -dependent mitochondrial cell death pathways in models of huntington's disease//Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 2003. 100. № 18. C.10483-10487.
Narayanan M., Zhang W.H., Stavrovskaya I., Kristal B., Friedlander R.M. Promethazine, a novel application as a neuroprotectant that reduces ischemia-mediated injury by inhibiting mitochondrial dysfunction//Neurosurgery. 2003. 53. №2. C.487-487
Kristal B.S., Stavrovskaya I.G., Narayanan M.V., Krasnikov B.F., Brown A.M., Beal M.F., Friedlander R.M.. The mitochondrial permeability transition as a target for neuroprotection//Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes. 2004. 36. C.309
Klivenyi P., Calingasan N.Y., Starkov A., Stavrovskaya I.G., Kristal B.S., Yang L., Wieringa B., Beal F.M. Neuroprotective mechanisms of creatine occur in the absence of mitochondrial creatine kinase//Neurobiology of Disease. 2004. 15. C.610.
Stavrovskaya I.G., Krasnikov B.F., Blass J.P., Brown A.M., Kristal B.S., Narayanan M.V., Zhang W., Friedlander R.M., Heemskerk J., Young S.S., Beal M.F.. Clinically approved heterocyclics act on a mitochondrial target and reduce stroke-induced pathology//Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2004. 200. №2. C. 211-222
Ferrante R.J., Ryu H., Kubilus J.K., D'Mello S., Sugars K.L., Lee J., Lu P., Smith K., Browne S., Beal M.F., Kristal B.S., Stavrovskaya I.G., Hewett S., Rubinsztein D.C., Langley B., Ratan R.R. Chemotherapy for the brain: the antitumor antibiotic mithramycin prolongs survival in a mouse model of huntington's disease//Journal of Neuroscience. 2004. 24. С.10335.
Zhu S., Li M., Figueroa B.E., Liu A., Stavrovskaya I.G., Pasinelli P., Beal M.F., Brown Jr. R.H., Kristal B.S., Ferrante R.J., Friedlander R.M.. Prophylactic creatine administration mediates neuroprotection in cerebral ischemia in mice//Journal of Neuroscience. 2004. 24. С. 5909.
Narayanan M.V., Zhang W.H., Stavrovskaya I.G., Krasnikov B.F., Kristal B., Friedlander R.M. Nortriptyline protects mitochondria and reduces cerebral ischemic injury//Journal of neurosurgery. 2004. 100. №1. C.A176-A177
Stavrovskaya I.G., Kristal B.S. The powerhouse takes control of the cell: is The mitochondrial permeability transition a viable therapeutic target against neuronal dysfunction and death ?//Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2005. 38. №6. C. 687-697
Kim S.Y., Browne S.E., Lee J., Blass J.P., Beal M.F., Gibson G.E., Cooper A.J.L., Bubber P., Stavrovskaya I., Marekov L., Steinert P.M. Mitochondrial aconitase is a transglutaminase 2 substrate: transglutamination is a probable mechanism contributing to high-molecular-weight aggregates of aconitase and loss of aconitase activity in huntington disease brain//Neurochemical Research. 2005. 30. №10. C. 1245-1255
Krasnikov B.F., Kim S.-Y., McConoughey S.J., Blass J.P., Gibson G.E., Cooper A.J.L., Xu H., Stavrovskaya I., Ratan R.R., Ryu H., Iismaa S.E., Mearns B.M. Transglutaminase activity is present in highly purified nonsynaptosomal mouse brain and liver mitochondria//Biochemistry. 2005. 44. №21. C. 7830-7843
Tang T.S., Slow, E., Lupu V., Stavrovskaya I.G., Sugimori M., Llinas R., Kristal B.S., Hayden M.R., Bezprozvanny I. Disturbed Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis of medium spiny neurons in Huntington's disease//Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america. 2005. 102. №7. C.2602-2607
Sirota T.V., Tsvetkov V.D., Kosenko E.A., Stavrovskaja I.G., Novoselov V.I., Safronova V.G.,Kazakov R.E., Litvinova E.G., Tikhonov V.P., Kondrashova M.N. The evution of ideas of Tchijevsky in the field of air ionization.//3-я Международная конференция ИНТЕРНЛС: Материалы конференции. 2007. C.6-10
Wang H., Guan Y., Wang X., Smith K., Cormier K., Zhu S., Stavrovskaya I.G., Huo C., Ferrante R.J., Kristal B.S., Friedlander R.M.. Nortriptyline delays disease onset in models of chronic neurodegeneration//European Journal of Neuroscience. 2007. 26. C. 633.
Кондрашова М.Н., Тихонов В.П., Сирота Т.В., Ставровская И.Г., Казаков Р.Е., Косенко Е.А., Литвинова Е.Г., Цветков В.Д.. Аэроионы. ионизированный кислород снаружи и внутри организма. провидение Чижевского//Вестник Калужского университета. 2007. 1. 64-73.
Baranov S.V., Stavrovskaya I.G., Kristal B.S., Brown A.M., Tyryshkin A.M. Kinetic model for ca2+-induced permeability transition in energized liver mitochondria discriminates between inhibitor mechanisms//Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008. 283. №2. C. 665-676
Wang X., Zhu S., Pei Z., Drozda M., Shimony E.M., Wang H., Friedlander R.M., Stavrovskaya I.G., Kristal B.S., Signore S.J.D., Cormier K., Ferrante R.J. Inhibitors of cytochrome c release with therapeutic potential for huntington's disease//Journal of Neuroscience. 2008. 28. №38. C. 9473-9485
Zhang W.-H., Wang H., Wang X., Narayanan M.V., Friedlander R.M., Stavrovskaya I.G., Kristal B.S.. Nortriptyline protects mitochondria and reduces cerebral ischemia/hypoxia injury//Stroke: a Journal of Cerebral Circulation. 2008. 39. №2. C. 455-462
Овсепян А.А., Венедиктова Н.И., Захарченко М.В., Казаков Р.Е., Кондрашова М.Н., Литвинова Е.Г., Саакян И.Р., Сирота Т.В., Ставровская И.Г., Шварцбурд П.М.. Антиоксидатное и иммунопротекторное действие экстракта личинок восковой моли при окислительном стрессе у крыс, вызванном потреблением корма, обогащенного железом//Вестник новых медицинских технологий. 2009. 16. №1. C. 170-173
Wang X., Figueroa B.E., Stavrovskaya I.G., Zhang Y., Sirianni A.C., Zhu S., Day A.L., Kristal B.S., Friedlander R.M.. Methazolamide and melatonin inhibit mitochondrial cytochrome c release and are neuroprotective in experimental models of ischemic injury//Stroke: a Journal of Cerebral Circulation. 2009. 40. 5. С.1877.
Stavrovskaya I.G., Baranov S.V., Guo X., Kristal B.S., Davies S.S., Roberts L.J. Reactive γ-ketoaldehydes formed via the isoprostane pathway disrupt mitochondrial respiration and calcium homeostasis//Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2010. 49. №4. C. 567-579
Овсепян А.А., Венедиктова Н.И., Захарченко М.В., Казаков Р.Е., Кондрашова М.Н., Литвинова Е.Г., Саакян И.Р., Сирота Т.В., Ставровская И.Г., Шварцбурд П.М.. Антиоксидатное и иммунопротекторное действие экстракта личинок восковой моли при окислительном стрессе у крыс, вызванном потреблением корма, обогащенного железом//Вестник новых медицинских технологий Электронное издание. 2010. № 1.
Gross V.S., Greenberg H.K., Baranov S.V., Carlson G.M., Stavrovskaya .I.G., Lazarev A.V., Kristal B.S. Isolation of functional mitochondria from rat kidney and skeletal muscle without manual homogenization//Analytical biochemistry. 2011. 418. №2. C.213-223
Bird S.S., Marur V.R., Stavrovskaya I.G., Kristal B.S. Separation of Cis-Trans Phospholipid Isomers Using Reversed Phase LC with High Resolution MS Detection//Analytical chemistry. 2012. 84. №13. C.5509-5517
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