Мария Борисовна Гарбер



Список статей

        1. Aevarsson A, Brazhnikov E, Garber M, Zheltonosova J, Chirgadze Y, Al-Karadaghi S, Svensson LA, Liljas A Three-dimensional structure of the ribosomal translocase: elongation factor G from Thermus thermophilus // EMBO J..- 1994.- Vol. 13, № 16.- P. 3669-3677.
        2. Agalarov SC, Eliseikina IA, Sedelnikova SE, Fomenkova NP, Nikonov SV, Garber MB Crystals of protein L1 from the 50S ribosomal subunit of Thermus thermophilus. Preliminary crystallographic data // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1990.- Vol. 216, № 3.- P. 501-502.
        3. Al-Karadaghi S, Aevarsson A, Garber M, Zheltonosova J, Liljas A The structure of elongation factor G in complex with GDP: conformational flexibility and nucleotide exchange // Structure.- 1996.- Vol. 4, № 5.- P. 555-565.
        4. Al-Karadaghi S, Davydova N, Eliseikina I, Garber M , Liljas A, Nevskaya N, Nikonov S, Tishchenko S Ribosomal proteins and their structural transitions on and off the ribosome // The ribosome: structure, function, antibiotics, and cellular interactions.- Washington.- 2000.- P. 65-72.
        5. Allard P, Rak AV, Wimberly BT, Clemons WM, Kalinin A, Helgstrand M, Garber MB, Ramakrishnan V, Hard T Another piece of the ribosome: solution structure of S16 and its location in the 30S subunit // Structure Fold. Des..- 2000.- Vol. 8, № 8.- P. 875-882.
        6. Berglund H, Rak A, Serganov A, Garber M, Hard T Solution structure of the ribosomal RNA binding protein S15 from Thermus thermophilus // NATURE STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY.- 1997.- Vol. 4, № 1.- P. 20-23.
        7. Bubunenko M, Korepanov A, Court DL, Jagannathan I, Dickinson D, Chaudhuri BR, Garber MB, Culver GM 30S ribosomal subunits can be assembled in vivo without primary binding ribosomal protein S15 // RNA.- 2006.- Vol. 12, № 7.- P. 1229-1239.
        8. Chirgadze YN, Garber MB, Nikonov SV Crystallographic study of plastocyanins // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1977.- Vol. 113, № 2.- P. 443-447.
        9. Chirgadze YN, Nikonov SV, Brazhnikov EV, Garber MB, Reshetnikova LS Crystallographic study of elongation factor G from Thermus thermophilus HB8 // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1983.- Vol. 168, № 2.- P. 449-450.
        10. Chirgadze YN, Nikonov SV, Garber MB, Reshetnikova LS Crystallographic study of gamma-crystalline from calf lens // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1977.- Vol. 110, № 3.- P. 619-624.
        11. Davydova N, Fedorov R, Streltsov V, Liljas A, Garber M Crystals of a mutant form of ribosomal protein L22 rendering bacterial ribosomes resistant to erythromycin // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2001.- Vol. 57, № 8.- P. 1150-1152.
        12. Davydova N, Streltsov V, Wilce M, Liljas A, Garber M L22 ribosomal protein and effect of its mutation on ribosome resistance to erythromycin // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2002.- Vol. 322, № 3.- P. 635-644.
        13. Davydova NL, Gryaznova OI, Mashchenko OV, Vysotskaya VS, Jonsson B-H, Al-Karadaghi S, Liljas A, Garber MB Ribosomal protein L22 from Thermus thermophilus: sequencing, overexpression and crystallization // FEBS Letters.- 1995.- Vol. 369, № 2-3.- P. 229-232.
        14. Delarue M, Poterszman A, Nikonov S, Garber M, Moras D, Thierry JC Crystal structure of prokaryotic aspartyl tRNA- synthetase // EMBO J..- 1994.- Vol. 13, № 14.- P. 3219-3229.
        15. Dontsova M, Frolova L, Vassilieva J, Piendl W, Kisselev L, Garber M Translation termination factor aRF1 from the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii is active with eukaryotic ribosomes // FEBS Letters.- 2000.- Vol. 472, № 2-3.- P. 213-216.
        16. Dontsova MV, Gabdoulkhakov AG, Molchan OK, Lashkov AA, GarberMB, Mironov AS, Zhukhlistova NE, Morgunova EY, Voelter W, Betzel C, Zhang Y, Ealick SE, Mikhailov AM Preliminary investigation of the three-dimensional structure of Salmonella typhimurium uridine phosphorylase in the crystalline state // Acta Crystallogr. F.- 2005.- Vol. 61, № 4.- P. 337-340.
        17. Dontsova MV, Savochkina YA, Gabdoulkhakov AG, Baidakov SN, Lyashenko AV, Zolotukhina M, Errais Lopes L, Garber MB, Morgunova EY, Nikonov SV, Mironov AS, Ealick SE, Mikhailov AM Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of uridine phosphorylase from Salmonella typhimurium // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2004.- Vol. 60, № 4.- P. 709-711.
        18. Ennifar E, Nikulin A, Tishchenko S, Serganov A, Nevskaya N, Garber M, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C, Nikonov S, Dumas P The crystal structure of UUCG tetraloop // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2000.- Vol. 304, № 1.- P. 35-42.
        19. Fedorov R, Meshcheryakov V, Gongadze G, Fomenkova N, Nevskaya N, Selmer M, Laurberg M, Kristensen O, Al-Karadaghi S, Liljas A, Garber M, Nikonov S Structure of ribosomal protein TL5 complexed with RNA provides new insights into the CTC family of stress proteins // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2001.- Vol. 57, № 7.- P. 968-976.
        20. Fedorov R, Nevskaya N, Khairullina A, Tishchenko S, MikhailovA, Garber M, Nikonov S Structure of ribosomal protein L30 from Thermus thermophilus at 1.9 A resolution: conformational flexibility of the molecule // Acta crystallogr. D.- 1999.- Vol. 55, № 11.- P. 1827-1833.
        21. Mamaeva DV, Morozova EA, Nikulin AD, Revtovich SV, Nikonov SV, Garber MB, Demidkina TV Structure of citrobacter freundii L-methionine gamma-lyase // Acta Crystallogr. F.- 2005.- Vol. 61, № 6.- P. 546-549.
        22. Woestenenk EA, Allard P, Gongadze GM, Moskalenko SE, Shcherbakov DV, Rak AV, Garber MB, Hard T, Berglund H Assignment and secondary structure identification of the ribosomal protein L18 from Thermus thermophilus // J. Biomol. NMR.- 2000.- Vol. 17, № 3.- P. 273-274.
        23. Woestenenk EA, Gongadze GM, Shcherbakov DV, Rak AV, Garber MB, Hard T, Berglund H The solution structure of ribosomal protein L18 from Thermus thermophilus reveals a conserved RNA-binding fold // BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL.- 2002.- Vol. 363, № 3.- P. 553-561.
        24. Ye K, Serganov A, Hu W, Garber M, Patel DJ Ribosome-associated factor Y adopts a fold resembling a double-stranded RNA binding domain scaffold // EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY.- 2002.- Vol. 269, № 21.- P. 5182-5191.
        25. Yusupov MM, Garber MB, Vasiliev VD, Spirin AS Thermus thermophilus ribosomes for crystallographic studies // Biochimie.- 1991.- Vol. 73, № 7-8.- P. 887-897.
        26. Yusupov MM, Tischenko SV, Trakhanov SD, Ryazantsev SN, Garber MB A new crystalline form of 30S ribosomal subunits from Thermus thermophilus // FEBS Letters.- 1988.- Vol. 238, № 1.- P. 113-115.
        27. Zheltonosova J, Melnikova E, Garber M, Reinbolt J, Kern D, Ehresmann C, Ehresmann B Threonyl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus: Purification and some structural and kinetic properties // Biochimie.- 1994.- Vol. 76, № 1.- P. 71-77.
        28. Garber M, Davydova N, Eliseikina I, Fomenkova N, Gryaznova O, Grishkovskaya I, Nevskaya N, Nikonov S, Rak A, Sedelnikova S, Serganov A, Shcherbakov D, Tishchenko S, Vysotskaya V, Zheltonosova J, Liljas A, Aevarsson A, Al-Karadaghi S Crystallization and structural studies of components of the protein synthesizing system from Thermus thermophilus // J. Crystal Growth.- 1996.- Vol. 168, № 1-4.- P. 301-307.
        29. Garber M, Gongadze G, Meshcheryakov V, Nikonov O, Nikulin A, Perederina A, Piendl W, Serganov A, Tishchenko S Crystallization of RNA/protein complexes // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2002.- Vol. 58, № 10.- P. 1664-1669.
        30. Garber MB, Agalarov SC, Eliseikina IA, Sedelnikova SE, Tishchenko SV, Shirokov VA, Yusupov MM, Reshetnikova LS, Trakhanov SD, Tukalo MA Purification and crystallization of components of the protein synthesizing system from Thermus thermophilus // J. Crystal Growth.- 1991.- Vol. 110, № 1-2.- P. 228-236.
        31. Garber MB, Agalarov SC., Eliseikina IA, Fomenkova NP, Nikonov SV, Sedelnikova SE, Shikaeva OS, Vasiliev D, Zhdanov AS, Liljas A, Svensson LA Ribosomal proteins from Thermus thermophilus for structural investigations // Biochimie.- 1992.- Vol. 74, № 4.- P. 327-336.
        32. Garber MB, Yaremchuk AD, Tukalo MA, Egorova SP, Berthet-Coliminas C, Leberman R Crystals of seryl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus. Preliminary crystallographic data // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1990.- Vol. 213, № 4.- P. 631-632.
        33. Garber MB, Yaremchuk AD, Tukalo MA, Egorova SP, Fomenkova NP, Nikonov SV Crystals of threonyl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus. Preliminary crystallographic data // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1990.- Vol. 214, № 4.- P. 819-820.
        34. Gongadze G, Kashparov I, Lorenz S, Schroeder W, Erdmann VA, Liljas A, Garber M 5S rRNA binding ribosomal proteins from Thermus thermophilus: identification and some structural properties // FEBS Letters.- 1996.- Vol. 386, № 2-3.- P. 260-262.
        35. Gongadze GM, Meshcheryakov VA, Serganov AA, Fomenkova NP, Mudrik ES, Jonsson BH, Liljas A, Nikonov SV, Garber MB N-terminal domain, residues 1-91, of ribosomal protein TL5 from Thermus thermophilus binds specifically and strongly to the region of 5S rRNA containing loop E // FEBS Letters.- 1999.- Vol. 451, № 1.- P. 51-55.
        36. Gongadze GM, Tishchenko SV, Sedelnikova SE, Garber MB Ribosomal proteins, TL4 and TL5, from Thermus thermophilus form hybrid complexes with 5S ribosomal RNA from different microorganisms // FEBS Letters.- 1993.- Vol. 330, № 1.- P. 46-48.
        37. Gryaznova OI, Davydova NL, Gongadze GM, Jonsson BH, Garber MB, Liljas A A ribosomal protein from Thermus thermophilus is homologous to a general shock protein // Biochimie.- 1996.- Vol. 78, № 11-12.- P. 915-919.
        38. Hard T, Rak A, Allard P, Kloo L, Garber M The solution structure of ribosomal protein L36 from Thermus thermophilus reveals a zinc-ribbon-like fold // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2000.- Vol. 296, № 1.- P. 169-180.
        39. Helgstrand M, Rak AV, Allard P, Davydova N, Garber MB, Hard T Solution structure of the ribosomal protein S19 from Thermus thermophilus // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1999.- Vol. 292, № 5.- P. 1071-1081.
        40. Korepanov AP, Gongadze GM, Garber MB, Court DL, Bubunenko MG Importance of the 5S rRNA-binding ribosomal proteins for cell viability and translation in Escherichia coli // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2007.- Vol. 366, № 4.- P. 1199-1208.
        41. Korobeinikova AV, Shestakov SA, Korepanov AR, Garber MB, Gongadze GM Protein CTC from Aquifex aeolicus possesses a full-sized 5S rRNA-binding domain // Biochimie.- 2009.- Vol. 91, № 3.- P. 453-456.
        42. Liljas A, Aevarsson A, Al-Karadaghi S, Garber M, Zheltonosova J, Brazhnikov E Crystallographic studies of elongation factor G // Biochem. Cell Biol..- 1995.- Vol. 73, № 11-12.- P. 1209-1216.
        43. Liljas A, Garber M Ribosomal proteins and elongation factors // Curr. Opinion Struct. Biol..- 1995.- Vol. 5, № 6.- P. 721-727.
        44. Lim VI, Curran JF, Garber MB Ribosomal elongation cycle: energetic, kinetic and stereochemical aspects // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2005.- Vol. 351, № 3.- P. 470-480.
        45. Lim VI, Garber MB Analysis of recognition of transfer-messenger RNA by the ribosome decoding center // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2005.- Vol. 346, № 2.- P. 395-398.
        46. Lindahl M, Svensson LA, Liljas A, Sedelnikova SE, Eliseikina IA, Fomenkova NP, Nevskaya N, Nikonov SV, Garber MB, Muranova TA, Rykonova_AI, Amons_R Crystal structure of the ribosomal protein S6 from Thermus thermophilus // EMBO J..- 1994.- Vol. 13, № 6.- P. 1249-1254.
        47. Nevskaya N, Tishchenko S, Fedorov R, Al-Karadaghi S, Liljas A, Kraft A, Piendl W, Garber M, Nikonov S Archaeal ribosomal protein L1: the structure provides new insights into RNA binding of the L1 protein family // Structure Fold. Des..- 2000.- Vol. 8, № 4.- P. 363-371.
        48. Nevskaya N, Tishchenko S, Gabdoulkhakov A, Nikonova E, Nikonov O, Nikulin A, Platonova O, Garber M, Nikonov S, Piendl W Ribosomal protein L1 recognizes the same specific structural motif in its target sites on the autoregulatory mRNA and 23S rRNA // NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH.- 2005.- Vol. 33, № 2.- P. 478-485.
        49. Nevskaya N, Tishchenko S, Nikulin A, Al-Karadaghi S, Liljas A, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C, Garber M, Nikonov S Crystal structure of ribosomal protein S8 from Thermus thermophilus reveals a high degree of structural conservation of a specific RNA binding site // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1998.- Vol. 279, № 1.- P. 233-244.
        50. Nevskaya N, Tishchenko S, Paveliev M, Smolinskaya Y, Fedorov R, Piendl W, Nakamura Y, Toyoda T, Garber M, Nikonov S Structure of ribosomal protein L1 from Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus. Functionally important structural invariants on the L1 surface // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2002.- Vol. 58, № 6.- P. 1023-1029.
        51. Nevskaya N, Tishchenko S, Volchkov S, Kljashtorny V, Nikonova E, Nikonov O, Nikulin A, Kohrer C, Piendl W, Zimmermann R, Stockley P, Garber M, Nikonov S New insights into the interaction of ribosomal protein L1 with RNA // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2006.- Vol. 355, № 4.- P. 747-759.
        52. Nikonov O, Stolboushkina E, Nikulin A, Hasenohrl D, Blasi U, Manstein DJ, Fedorov R, Garber M, Nikonov S New insights into the interactions of the translation initiation factor 2 from archaea with guanine nucleotides and initiator tRNA // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2007.- Vol. 373, № 2.- P. 328-336.
        53. Nikonov S, Nevskaya N, Eliseikina I, Fomenkova N , Nikulin A , Ossina N, Garber M, Jonsson B.-H., Briand C, Al-Karadaghi S, Svensson A, Aevarsson A, Liljas A Crystal structure of the RNA binding ribosomal protein L1 from Thermus thermophilus // EMBO J..- 1996.- Vol. 15, № 6.- P. 1350-1359.
        54. Nikonov SV, Nevskaya NA, Fedorov PV, Khairullina AR, Tishchenko SV, Nikulin AD, Garber MB Structural studies of ribosomal proteins // Biol. Chem..- 1998.- Vol. 379, № 7.- P. 795-805.
        55. Nikulin A, Eliseikina I, Tishchenko S, Nevskaya N, Davydova N, Platonova O, Piendl W, Selmer M, Liljas A, Drygin D, Zimmermann R, Garber M, Nikonov S Structure of the L1 protuberance in the ribosome // NATURE STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY.- 2003.- Vol. 10, № 2.- P. 104-108.
        56. Nikulin A, Revtovich S, Morozova E, Nevskaya N, Nikonov S, Garber M, Demidkina T High-resolution structure of methionine gamma-lyase from Citrobacter freundii // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2008.- Vol. 64, № 2.- P. 211-218.
        57. Nikulin A, Serganov A, Ennifar E, Tishchenko S, Nevskaya N, Shepard W, Portier C, Garber M, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C, Nikonov S, Dumas P Crystal structure of the S15-rRNA compex // NATURE STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY.- 2000.- Vol. 7, № 4.- P. 273-275.
        58. Nikulin A, Stolboushkina E, Perederina A, Vassilieva I, Blaesi U, Moll I, Kachalova G, Yokoyama S, Vassylyev D, Garber M, Nikonov S Structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hfq protein // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2005.- Vol. 61, № 2.- P. 141-146.
        59. Ohman A, Rak A, Dontsova M, Garber M, Hard T NMR structure of the ribosomal protein L23 from Thermus thermophilus // J. Biomol. NMR.- 2003.- Vol. 26, № 2.- P. 131-137.
        60. Perederina A, Nevskaya N, Nikonov O, Nikulin A, Dumas P, Yao M, Tanaka I, Garber M, Gongadze G, Nikonov S Detailed analysis of RNA-protein interactions within the bacterial ribosomal protein L5/5S rRNA complex // RNA.- 2002.- Vol. 8, № 12.- P. 1548-1557.
        61. Raibaud S, Lebars I, Guillier M, Chiaruttini C, Bontems F, Rak A, Garber M, Allemand F, Springer M, Dardel F NMR structure of bacterial ribosomal protein L20: implications for ribosome assembly and translational control // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2002.- Vol. 323, № 1.- P. 143-151.
        62. Reinbolt J, Eliseikina I, Sedelnikova S, Garber M, Ehresmann C, Ehresmann B The complete amino acid sequence of ribosomal protein S8 from Thermus thermophilus // J. Protein Chem..- 1993.- Vol. 12, № 1.- P. 79-83.
        63. Reshetnikova LS, Garber MB Crystallization of elongation factor G from an extreme thermophile, Thermus thermophilus HB8 // FEBS Letters.- 1983.- Vol. 154, № 1.- P. 149-150.
        64. Reshetnikova LS, Garber MB, Fomenkova NP, Nikonov SV, Chirgadze YN Crystallographic study of the large tryptic fragments of elongation factor G from Escherichia coli // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1982.- Vol. 160, № 1.- P. 127-132.
        65. Sedelnikova SE, Agalarov SC, Eliseikina IA, Fomenkova NP, Nikonov SV, Garber MB, Svensson LA, Liljas A Crystals of protein S6 from 30S ribosomal subunit of Thermus thermophilus // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1991.- Vol. 220, № 3.- P. 549-550.
        66. Sedelnikova SE, Agalarov SC, Garber MB, Yusupov MM Proteins of the Thermus thermophilus ribosome. Purification of several individual proteins and crystallization of proteins TL7 // FEBS Letters.- 1987.- Vol. 220, № 1.- P. 227-230.
        67. Sedelnikova SE, Shikaeva OS, Avlijakulov NK, Muranova TA, Markova LF, Kashparov IA, Garber MB Proteins of the Thermus thermophilus ribosome. Purification of proteins from the large ribosomal subunit // Biochimie.- 1994.- Vol. 76, № 5.- P. 440-451.
        68. Serganov A, Benard L, Portier C, Ennifar E, Garber M, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C Role of conserved nucleotides in binding the 16S rRNA binding site for ribosomal protein S15 // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2001.- Vol. 305, № 4.- P. 785-803.
        69. Serganov A, Rak A, Garber M, Reinbolt J, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C, Grunberg-Manago M, Portier C Ribosomal protein S15 from Thermus thermophilus. Cloning, sequencing, overexpression of the gene and RNA-binding properties of the protein // EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY.- 1997.- Vol. 246, № 2.- P. 291-300.
        70. Serganov AA, Masquida B, Westhof E, Cachia C, Portier C, Garber M, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C The 16S rRNA binding site of Thermus thermophilus ribosomal protein S15: comparison with Escherichia coli S15, minimum site and structure // RNA.- 1996.- Vol. 2, № 11.- P. 1124-1138.
        71. Shcherbakov D, Dontsova M, Tribus M, Garber M, Piendl W Stability of the "L12 stalk" in ribosomes from mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic Archaea and Bacteria // NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH.- 2006.- Vol. 34, № 20.- P. 5800-5814.
        72. Shikaeva OS, Sedelnikova SE, Fomenkova NP, Nikonov SV, Garber MB Crystals of protein L30 from the 50S ribosomal subunit of Thermus thermophilus. Preliminary crystallographic data // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1993.- Vol. 230, № 4.- P. 1309-1310.
        73. Shirokov VA, Ryazantsev N, Sergeev YV, Garber MB, Vasiliev VD Thin laminar microcrystals of 70S ribosomes from Thermus thermophilus // FEBS Letters.- 1989.- Vol. 258, № 1.- P. 147-149.
        74. Stolboushkina E, Nikonov S, Nikulin A, Blasi U, Manstein DJ, Fedorov R, Garber M, Nikonov O Crystal structure of the impact archaeal translation initiation factor 2 demonstrates very high conformational flexibility in the alpha- and beta-subunits // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2008.- Vol. 382, № 3.- P. 680-691.
        75. Tin OF, Rykunova AI, Muranova TA, Toyoda T, Itoa K, Suzuki T, Watanabe K, Garber MB, Nakamura Y Proteolytic fragmentation of polypeptide release factor 1 of Thermus thermophilus and crystallization of the stable fragments // Biochimie.- 2000.- Vol. 82, № 8.- P. 765-772.
        76. Tishchenko S, Kljashtorny V, Kostareva O, Nevskaya N, Nikulin A, Gulak P, Piendl W, Garber M, Nikonov S Domain II Thermus thermophilus ribosomal protein L1 hinders recognition of its mRNA // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2008.- Vol. 383, № 2.- P. 301-305.
        77. Tishchenko S, Nikonov S, Garber M, Kraft A, Kohrer C, Piendl W Crystals of ribosomal protein L1 from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii // Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int..- 1998.- Vol. 45, № 2.- P. 349-354.
        78. Tishchenko S, Nikonova E, Kljashtorny V, Kostareva O, Nevskaya N, Piendl W, Davydova N, Streltsov V, Garber M, Nikonov S Domain I of ribosomal protein L1 is sufficient for specific RNA binding // NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH.- 2007.- Vol. 35, № 21.- P. 7389-7395.
        79. Tishchenko S, Nikonova E, Nikulin A, Nevskaya N, Volchkov S, Piendl W, Garber M, Nikonov S Structure of the ribosomal protein L1-mRNA complex at 2.1 angstrom resolution: common features of crystal packing of L1-RNA complexes // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2006.- Vol. 62, № 12.- P. 1545-1554.
        80. Tishchenko S, Nikulin A, Fomenkova N, Nevskaya N, Nikonov O, Dumas P, Moine H, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C, Piendl W, Lamzin V, Garber M, Nikonov S Detailed analysis of RNA-protein interactions within the ribosomal protein S8-rRNA compex from the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 2001.- Vol. 311, № 2.- P. 311-324.
        81. Tishchenko SV, Vysotskaya VS, Fomenkova NP, Nikonov SV, Ehresmann B, Garber MB Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of ribosomal protein S8 from Thermus thermophilus // Proteins.- 1997.- Vol. 27, № 2.- P. 309-310.
        82. Toyoda T, Tin OF, Ito K, Fujiwara T, Kumasaka T, Yamamoto M, Garber MB, NakamuraY Crystal structure combined with genetic analysis of the Thermus thermophilus ribosome recycling factor shows that a flexible hinge may act as a functional switch // RNA.- 2000.- Vol. 6, № 10.- P. 1432-1444.
        83. Trakhanov S, Yusupov M, Shirokov V, Garber M, Mitschler A, Ruff M, Thierry J-C, Moras D Preliminary X-ray investigation of 70S ribosome crystals from Thermus thermophilus // JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.- 1989.- Vol. 209, № 2.- P. 327-328.
        84. Trakhanov SD, Yusupov MM, Agalarov SC, Garber MB, Ryazantsev SN, Tischenko SV, Shirokov VA Crystallization of 70S ribosomes and 30S ribosomal subunits from Thermus thermophilus // FEBS Letters.- 1987.- Vol. 220, № 2.- P. 319-322.
        85. Unge J, Aberg A, Al-Kharadaghi S, Nikulin A, Nikonov S, Davydova NL, Nevskaya N, Garber M, Liljas A The crystal structure of ribosomal protein L22 from Thermus thermophilus: insights into the mechanism of erythromycin resistance // Structure.- 1998.- Vol. 6, № 12.- P. 1577-1586.
        86. Unge J, Al-Karadaghi S, Liljas A, Jonsson B- H, Eliseikina I, Ossina N, Nevskaya N, Fomenkova N, Garber M, Nikonov S A mutant form of the ribosomal protein L1 reveals conformational flexibility // FEBS Letters.- 1997.- Vol. 411, № 1.- P. 53-59.
        87. Vassilieva IM, Nikulin AD, Blasi U, Moll I, Garber MB Crystallization of Hfq protein: a bacterial gene- expression regulator // Acta crystallogr. D.- 2003.- Vol. 59, № 6.- P. 1061-1063.
        88. Vysotskaya V, Tischenko S, Garber M, Kern D, Mougel M, Ehresmann C, Ehresmann B The ribosomal protein S8 from Thermus thermophilus VK1. Sequencing of the gene, overexpression of the protein in Escherichia coli and interaction with rRNA // EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY.- 1994.- Vol. 223, № 2.- P. 437-445.
        89. Kravchenko O., Mitroshin I., Nikonov S., Piendl W. and Garber M. Structure of a two-domain N-terminal fragment of ribosomal protein L10 from Methanococcus jannaschii reveals a specific piece of the archaeal ribosomal stalk // J. of Molecular Biology.- 2010.- Vol. 399, № 2.- P. 214-220.
        90. Stolboushkina E.A., Garber M.B. Eukaryotic type translation initiation factor 2 : structure-functional aspects // Biochemistry-Moscow.- 2011.- Vol. 76, № 3.- P. 283-294.
        91. Nikonova E.Y., Tishchenko S.V., Gabdulkhakov A.G.,Shklyaeva A.A., Garber M.B., Nikonov S.V., Nevskaya N.A. Crystal structure of ribosomal protein L1 from the bacterium Aquifex aeolicus // Crystallography reports.- 2011.- Vol. 56, № 4.- P. 603-607.
        92. Dmitriev SE, Stolboushkina EA, Terenin IM, Andreev DE, Garber MB, Shatsky IN Archaeal translation initiation Factor aIF2 can substitute for eucaryotic eIF2 in ribosomal scanning during mammalian 48S complex formation // Journal of Mol. Biol..- 2011.- Vol. 413, № 1.- P. 106-114.
        93. Tishchenko s, Nikonova E, Kostareva O,Gabdulkhakov A, Piendl W, Nevskaya N, Garber M, Nikonov S Structural analysis of interdomain mobility in ribosomal L1 proteins // Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography.- 2011.- Vol. 67, № 12.- P. 1023-1027.
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